A temporary way to migrate from Drafts 4 to 5

Since Drafts 5 has launched a TestFlight version, many users are willing to use it instead of 4. But it is known that Draft 5 hasn’t added a migration function yet(but there will be), so I did it by a workflow. Here are the steps:

  1. Download the migration Drafts Action & Workflow.
  2. Select the drafts you want to move, run the Migrate Action on them.
  3. Open the Files app, enter the Drafts catalog, find the Migration.txt and move it to your Workflow catalog.
  4. Open Workflow, run the migration Workflow.
  5. Wait until it’s done.


  1. You should run the Drafts Action first on your Archived Drafts, then Archive them in Drafts 5(Drafts added via URL-Schemes will appear in the Inbox).After that, do the steps to the Inbox a second time.
  2. Don’t forget to delete the Migration.txt under the Drafts catalog between two operations! Or your Inbox may be like hell……
  3. You can use the same way to migrate from 5 to 4,just make some adjustments to the Action&Workflow.

Known issues:

  1. After running the workflow your Drafts 5 Inbox may not display the drafts properly. In my case,it only displayed 4 drafts on the device which made these operations, but with Drafts 5’s sync my another device displayed the drafts well. So good luck with that.
  2. Some of the drafts may be missing……Not much but still some. I don’t know why……
  3. I really don’t know how to deal with the actions.

Whatever, enjoy.